Książki 2020-2021

Piotr Witczak (Ed.)

Sensors Fault Diagnosis Trends and Applications

Fault diagnosis has always been a concern for industry. In general, diagnosis in complex systems requires the acquisition of information from sensors and the processing and extracting of required features for the classification or identification of faults. Therefore, fault diagnosis of sensors is clearly important as faulty information from a sensor may lead to misleading conclusions about the whole system. As engineering systems grow in size and complexity, it becomes more and more important to diagnose faulty behavior before it can lead to total failure. In the light of above issues, this book is dedicated to trends and applications in modern-sensor fault diagnosis. (from the publisher)

ISBN 978-3-0365-1048-4 (Hbk) / 978-3-0365-1049-1 (PDF), MDPI 2021

Józef Korbicz, Krzysztof Patan, Marcel Luzar (Eds.)

Advances in Diagnostics of Processes and Systems

This book contains a collection of 13 carefully selected papers contributed by researches in technical and partial medical diagnostics as well as fault-tolerant control and constitutes a comprehensive study of the field. Nowadays technical diagnostics and fault-tolerant control are a field of intensive scientific research that covers well-established topics along with emerging developments in control engineering, artificial intelligence, applied mathematics and statistics. At the same time, a growing number of applications of different fault diagnosis methods, especially in the electrical, mechanical, chemical and medical areas, are being observed. The aim of the book is to show the bridge between technical and medical diagnosis based on analytical and artificial intelligence methods and techniques. The book is divided into three parts:

  • Fault-Tolerant Control and Reconfiguration,
  • Fault Diagnosis of Processes and Systems,
  • Medical Applications.

The book is of interest to scientists, engineers and academics dealing with the problems of designing technical diagnosis and fault-tolerant control systems. Its target readers are also junior researchers and students of control, artificial intelligence and computer engineering.

ISBN 978-3-030-58963-9, Springer 2021

Piotr Kulczycki, Józef Korbicz, Janusz Kacprzyk (Eds.)

Automatic Control, Robotics, and Information Processing

This book presents a wide and comprehensive range of issues and problems in various fields of science and engineering, from both theoretical and applied perspectives. The desire to develop more effective and efficient tools and techniques for dealing with complex processes and systems has been a natural inspiration for the emergence of numerous fields of science and technology, in particular control and automation and, more recently, robotics. The contributions gathered here concern the development of methods and algorithms to determine best practices regarding broadly perceived decisions or controls. From an engineering standpoint, many of them focus on how to automate a specific process or complex system. From a tools-based perspective, several contributions address the development of analytic and algorithmic methods and techniques, devices and systems that make it possible to develop and subsequently implement the automation and robotization of crucial areas of human activity. All topics discussed are illustrated with sample applications.

ISBN 978-3-030-48586-3, Springer 2021

Red. Piotr Kulczycki, Józef Korbicz, Janusz Kacprzyk

Automatyka robotyka i przetwarzanie informacji

Monografia ta stanowi unikalne kompendium współczesnej wiedzy dotyczącej metod oraz systemów automatyki i robotyki, w znacznej mierze uwzględniające różnorodne elementy przetwarzania informacji, wspomagania decyzji i inteligencji obliczeniowej. Powstała z inicjatywy Komitetu Automatyki i Robotyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk, w ramach której zaproszono do współpracy najwybitniejszych polskich specjalistów z tej dziedziny. Wszyscy pierwsi autorzy poszczególnych rozdziałów są członkami powyższego gremium. W każdym przypadku przedstawiono w zwięzły, a jednocześnie zrozumiały sposób poszczególne zagadnienia nowoczesnej automatyki i robotyki, z odniesieniem do możliwości aplikacyjnych techniki obecnej ery informacyjnej. W publikacji przedstawiono - przykładowo - takie zagadnienia jak:

  • symulacja komputerowa przy projektowaniu systemów sterowania,
  • optymalizacja dyskretna w informatyce przemysłowej,
  • metody syntezy chodu maszyn kroczących,
  • sterowanie tolerujące uszkodzenia,
  • modelowanie emisji zanieczyszczeń do atmosfery.

Przedstawiona książka będzie szczególnie przydatna studentom oraz doktorantom uczelni technicznych na kierunkach:

  • automatyka i robotyka,
  • mechatronika,
  • informatyka stosowana,
  • elektrotechnika,
  • elektronika.

Przedłożony materiał niewątpliwie zainteresuje również zarówno pracowników naukowych, jak też inżynierów-praktyków poszukujący informacji o współczesnych metodach aplikacyjnych, a także obecnym stanie wiedzy oraz aktualnych trendach rozwojowych w powyższych dziedzinach.

ISBN 9788301209278, PWN 2020

Krzysztof Patan

Robust and Fault-Tolerant Control: Neural-Network-Based Solutions

The book proposes novel automatic control strategies for nonlinear systems developed by means of artificial neural networks and pays special attention to robust and fault-tolerant approaches. The book discusses robustness and fault tolerance in the context of model predictive control, fault accommodation and reconfiguration, and iterative learning control strategies. Expanding on its theoretical deliberations the monograph includes many case studies demonstrating how the proposed approaches work in practice. The most important features of the book include:

  • a comprehensive review of neural network architectures with possible applications in system modelling and control;
  • a concise introduction to robust and fault-tolerant control;
  • step-by-step presentation of the control approaches proposed;
  • an abundance of case studies illustrating the important steps in designing robust and fault-tolerant control; and
  • a large number of figures and tables facilitating the performance analysis of the control approaches described.

The material presented in this book will be useful for researchers and engineers who wish to avoid spending excessive time in searching neural-network-based control solutions. It is written for electrical, computer science and automatic control engineers interested in control theory and their applications. This monograph will also interest postgraduate students engaged in self-study of nonlinear robust and fault-tolerant control.

ISBN 978-3-030-11868-6, Springer 2020

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Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Widza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "Nowoczesne nauczanie oraz praktyczna współpraca z przedsiębiorcami - program rozwoju Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego" POWR.03.05.0-00-00-Z014/18